Delivery Information

How long will it take for my customised bōgu to arrive?

All orders from Shogun Kendogu are considered custom orders and are made to fit each individual customer. As such, the fewer options/extras requested will result in a faster production process and thus faster delivery. Conversely, the more options requested will result in a longer production process. While all orders are given priority, please expect up to 8-12 weeks for complex, largely customised orders.

Once an order has been placed, our team will be able to provide a more exact estimate based on the details of the order. In the event that production time does exceed the stated estimated time, you will be notified as soon as possible, and we will strive to resolve the situation in a timely manner.

What are the shipping costs to my country?

Shogun Kendogu pledges to ship orders for free to most countries. Some customers may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are applied once the package reaches the destination country. We have no control over these charges and are unable to predict what these costs will be. Any additional charges (such as duties, taxes, and customs clearance) must be borne by the customer. Please contact the customs office in your country for further information regarding customs policies and charges.

Please note that when orders are placed for products from Shogun Kendogu the customer is considered the importer of record, and therefore must comply with all laws and regulations of the country in which the goods will be received.

What do I do if my order hasn’t arrived?

In the event that your order is yet to arrive after 14 working days from the date of shipment, please consider the following before contacting us at

Check for an attempted delivery card from a courier. It is possible that the goods are awaiting collection at a local post office or delivery depot, or there may be a need to organize redelivery.

Look in any safe areas the courier driver/post officer may have left your package.

If the parcel is still unable to be located, please provide us with your invoice number and tracking number and we will do our best to locate it as soon as possible. Please note that if the package has been scanned as ‘delivered’ according to the item tracking number, Kazutaka Budo Kōbō/Shogun Kendogu has no obligation to provide a refund or replace the item(s). However, we will do everything we can to ensure this does not happen and your experience with us is a very pleasant one.

What do I do if an item is missing from my shipment?

If an item is missing from your order, we will resolve the issue as quickly as possible. Please contact us at with the invoice number, tracking number, and the details of the missing item. Please note that the contents (of the package) of every order is photographed and filed for our records (this information is not shared with any other entity).

Pleas click here for more information on shipping terms and conditions 

My question is not listed here…

Customer satisfaction is paramount to us, so if you have a question that is not covered in this section please email us at and we will respond as soon as possible.

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